Connective Wisdom Coaching with Kristi
“If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got.”
Do you feel “stuck” or frustrated with your life?
Does this keep you from moving forward?
If you had a magic wand, what would you Be, Do, or Have?
What would you Be, Do, or Have if you were free, or un-stuck?
Love & Healthy Relationships
A Vibrantly Healthy Body
A Healthy Relationship with Yourself
Your Own Business
Financial Ease
A Fulfilling Career
Satisfying and Abundant Lifestyle
Kristi’s Connective Wisdom Coaching offers you the tools and techniques that guide personal and professional growth, health, and well-being so that you are free to re-discover your purpose and reconnect to your most authentic self.
Through her specific Mind & Body Awareness Training, Timeline Therapy, guided self-discovery, and her Goal-Getting processes (really, it’s fun!) we can loosen the grip on limiting thoughts and beliefs, allowing you to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT and align with who-you-really-are with greater ease, and more often. When this happens, you will enjoy the freedom and clarity of living your purpose, on purpose.